Join us Every Wednesday for our Foundations Class, Tango Práctica, and Intermediate/Advanced Class.
The best in Louisville, on the frontier of tango!
Wednesdays, $12. Get your 4th visit free - Click Here For Details.
7:00 - Foundations Class for Beginners and Experienced Dancers
8:00 - Práctica (Open Practice)
8:45 - Intermediate/Advanced Class
10:00 - Dance until…
Classes include individualized instruction, beverages, and hors d'oeuvres.
The Louisville Argentine Tango Society has monthly dances at a variety of venues around town. Visit us at Blair's for the details or check out the Louisville Tango Society Facebook page for calendar information and local events.
Pasión del Tango Argentino!
Argentine Tango is a language all on its own. The dance is not merely a pattern of defined steps, but also of posture and shared glances, all leading to a very complicated form of communication. Body movements communicate an array of messages between the dancers. Movement of the hands, a position of the foot, the intensity of the look, beware........¡La pasión del Tango!